Emergency Services Career Transition

We’ve put our heads together with the team at www.svgc.co.uk, www.imd-group.co.uk and www.leavingthepolice.co.uk, and we are looking, between us, to develop and champion a formal (ESCT) programme that will initially be centred on the police and will be supported by the relevant policing organisations and hopefully others from the private sector. 

Whilst the Armed Services appear to have a slick operation in place to support their leavers into new career related roles, our discussions and research to date appears to suggest that the provision of support offered to police officers, staff and the wider policing family, differs, depending on where you are serving. On Wednesday 21st February, we, along with colleagues from SVGC and from IMD Group, ran an ESCT seminar.

The event in Bristol, run at a venue kindly provided by the IMD Group and supported by ‘Leaving the Police’ was very well attended by key stakeholders from various police forces, policing bodies, staff associations and private organisations. The consensus was that a more formal structure and set-up was required for police leavers to help to prepare them for the next stage of their working life and that some work should be done to create and propose and ultimately pilot such an outcome.

We’ll update you further as things progress, but hopefully you can see that State21 working together with our key partners, will do whatever we can to provide a way forward for the wider policing family as they eventually move on to other professions, be that prior to, or on retirement from the service.